



The logo design for "Star Talk" is unique and thoughtfully crafted, fully reflectingthe brand's core philosophy and positioning. The entire logo is primarilytext-based, with each character cleverly integrated with a chat symbol, directlyconveying the brand's attributes of "communication" and "interaction." EachChinese character in the logo is paired with a chat bubble symbol, making thetext not just text but a symbol of communication and exchange. This design ap-proach not only enhances visual recognition but also highlights the brand's corevalue of "sharing opinions and exchanging ideas.

In "Star Talk," the "Star" symbolizes brilliance and guidance, implying that thebrand shines like a star, leading the audience to focus on trending topics andengage in deep discussions. The word "Talk" conveys the brand's attitude ofeasy sharing and open expression. The chat symbols in the logo further rein.force this brand characteristic, emphasizing that "Star Talk" is not just a platformfor conveying information but also a space that encourages interaction and dis-cussion.

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